Heaton & District Model Power Boat Club

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103 files in 7 albums with 0 comments viewed 85,087 times
2004 - Roker Park Display


For a few years after the demise of the original Sunderland Model Boat Club, the Heaton club were asked to put on a sailing display at Roker Park by the local council. A new Model Club was formed based on Roker Park lake in 2005 and so the display by Heaton ceased

3 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 1012 times

2004 - NECA Regatta


In 2004 the North East Coast Association Straight Running Regatta was held at Paddy Freeman's Park Lake

3 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 945 times

2005 - NECA Regatta


Pictures of the annual "North East Coast Association" Straight Running Regatta taken in 2005. Clubs taking part include Heaton and the South Shields Model Boat Club

23 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 1089 times

2006 - RNLI Regatta


Each year the club holds a regatta to raise funds for the RNLI. Here are a couple of pictures from the 2006 event

6 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 924 times

2010 - Club Centenary Regatta


In June 2010 during the annual 2 Day Tyne & Wear Regatta weekend the Heaton club celebrated its centenary. It was a great weekend with a high turnout of models both sailing and on display. In addition visitors from the south of England took part in the regattas. To mark the special occasion the prizes were presented by the Lady Mayoress.

36 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 1224 times

Phillip Carverhill


Phillip Carverhill was a talented engineer who specialised in micro engineering. All his boats were small, with most parts being machined on watchmakers lathe. He was also very inventive producing a number of unique models. He build everything from steam turbines to petrol engines, as well as a steam powered airscrew catamaran and the worlds smallest full steam powered boat, the "Skippy", just 16 inches long.

19 files, last one added on Jan 03, 2016
Album viewed 1185 times

Tethered Hydroplanes


Tethered Hydroplanes racing around a fixed pole were once a common sight at Paddy's until Health and Safety concerns stopped the practice. Hydro's are still sailed around the country and this album contains a mix of historical and modern pictures of club members past and present sailing at Paddy's and at other venues in the UK.

13 files, last one added on Jan 04, 2016
Album viewed 1144 times



7 albums on 1 page(s)

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1638 viewsJan 04, 2016
1637 viewsJan 04, 2016
1566 viewsJan 04, 2016
1615 viewsJan 04, 2016