The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........
News - 2005

The club held its annual regatta to raise funds for the RNLI on the weekend of the 23rd - 24th July. The magnificent sum of £324.26p was raised by public donation and entry fees from members.


The Tyneside Kidney association held a very successful fund raising event in the park on Saturday the 9th July. The highlight of the event was a mass balloon launch.


On Saturday the 2nd of July the club again supported the RNLI fundraising event at the Tynemouth station with a display of models. The RNLI put on a great show with the air sea rescue helicopter and the Tynemouth lifeboat.

News - 2004

2004 RNLI fund raising at the Tynemouth lifeboat station:

The club put on a display at the Tynemouth lifeboat station on the 26th June as part of the Tynemouth stations annual fund raising day. The inshore lifeboat and a Sea King helicopter provided a great show and over £3,000 was raised by the public.

Our own RNLI fund raising regatta took place over the week end of the 10 th and 11 th July 2004. This was very popular with the crowd who responded very generously. A magnificent total of: £255.30p was raised from public donations and entry fees from club members and from guests from the Tynemouth and South Shields model boat clubs who came to sail.

In 2003 members completed the building of a model of the Tyne Tug "Joffre", started by the late Walter Stabler. The model is now displayed in the Ship and Boat Chandlers shop of Messers William Wright at No.1 Union Street at the North Shields fish Quay.