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Straight Running Rules

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Straight Running Rules - General

1(1) Eligibility

Straight running competitions are open to any club member (1(2) see below), and any invited guest. Competitors may be assisted in the water by another member for the purpose of e.g stopping the craft at the end of a run etc, the competitor must release the boat his or herself at the start of each run.

1(2) Junior Members

A junior member is defined as any person under the age of 16 years on the year of competition and will remain a junior until the end of the season.
A junior can compete in competition upon reaching the age of 12 years on the date of competition, however he or she must be accompanied by an experienced member the whole time the junior is in the water and when operating a boat.

1(3) Authorities of officers

The Straight Running Leader or other club appointed official may order a boat to be stopped if it is considered unsafe, and such boat will not be allowed to continue, unless alterations are made as in the opinion of the officials will render it safe.
A boat may also be stopped if there should be an obstruction on the course, in which case the competitor will be allowed another run after the removal of the obstruction.

1(4) Starting and Running

A boat shall be deemed to have been released immediately it leaves the hands of the competitor, and the start of the run shall be counted as from the moment the bow of the craft crosses the start line indicated by the starting gate markers.

1(5)Boats eligible for competition

The term 'model' shall refer to craft capable on travelling in or on the water and driven by a self-contained motive power such as an electric motor, steam engine or internal combustion engine, all essential parts and accessories of which including fuel and oil but not necessarily water are carried on the craft itself. Propulsion of the craft must be by mechanical means acting on the water through the medium of a completely submerged screw propeller, paddle wheel or similar mechanical reactor. Remote control of craft by radio or other means is not allowed.

1(6) I.C. Engine maximum size / Voltage maximum

The maximum capacity of I.c. Engined craft shall be 35cc. The maximum voltage for electric powered craft shall be 42 volts.

1(7) Speed limit

No craft to exceed a maximum speed of 10 mph.

1(8) Noise Level

All power driven craft shall be fitted with efficient silencers. The noise generated by the craft at full operational power shall be measured in the proper manner with an approved noise meter. The noise level shall not exceed 80db for all type of craft. Any craft exceeding the limit will not be allowed to compete in the competition.

1(9) Boiler Testing

All boilers and pressure vessels in craft used at a regatta under Heaton & District Model Power Boat Club rules shall hold a current test certificate
Boilers and pressure vessels shall be tested in accordance with recommended minimum requirements as shall from time to time be enacted by the clubs test committee.


All wash from craft to be directed away from the course and starting gate area.


Straight Running Rules – Events

2(1) Course and Markers

The Straight Running course will be 75yds in length, with markers or buoys spaced 3ft 3inches apart at the scoring end. (See course diagram appendix A)
The markers or buoys shall be coloured as follows and score:-

Bull White 10 points
Red 9 points
Yellow with vertical stripes 8 points
Orange 7 points


2(2) Classes of craft

Craft entered for steering competitions must be of a type considered by the officials as entirely suited to straight running.
Club straight running events can be divided into four (4) main classes:-
A) Wedge
B) One Metre
C) Scale Boats/Ships
D) Functional

2(3) Wedge

A wedge is defined as a craft of which one end is an acute angled edge formed by two converging planes and having within its length a box section.
It has its maximum beam within 1/3 of its length measured from the stern. Whether the converging planes are straight, curved or angled and whether or not it has a bow section within its length.
There are no restriction on power plant, however internal combustion must be suitably silenced so as not to exceed noise emission in excess of 80db.

2(4) One Metre

Length one metre, plus or minus 1cm, overhang of bow fender not to exceed 1cm and to be included in the overall length.

Not to exceed beyond the transom, or in front of the bow at deck level.

There is no restriction on the beam width, however the maximum beam width must fall within an area of a distance 33cm to 66cm from the bow, the hull aft of this maximum point may be parallel back to the transom.

Internal combustion - maximum 2.5cc Glow or Diesel suitably silenced as not exceed 80db.
Electric - any combination of electric motor and batteries or accumulators
Steam – any combination of boiler and burners, engine restricted to a maximum of two cylinders.

Total area of all fins, rudders, skegs not to exceed Full length keels to count as fins.
Running rails where submerged while the boat is at rest not to exceed 4mm x 4mm in cross section area or 2.5 metres total length.
Air fins are not allowed.

2(4) Scale Boats/Ships

The craft to be a recognisable from a plan or photograph of an actual vessel or type of vessel to scale or semi scale. It is to be complete with most fittings and rigging or in the final stages of completion.
The vessel to be powered by any form of propulsion unit, i.e. Electric, steam, internal combustion engine.
Standards of workmanship and methods used i.e. scratch, kit or bought not to entail any penalty.
No handles or other restraining devices will be fitted to any model when running in this competition. The steering of a model will only be controlled by orthodox rudder or steering device in proportion as in the full size vessel.
Vessel to operate at reasonable scale speed up to a maximum of 10mph.

2(5) Functional

A freelance design of craft not fitting into any of the other classes i.e. Wedge, One Metre, Scale Boats/Ships, and should be deemed suitable of straight running events.
The craft can be fitted with any form of power plant.