The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........
Rules - Radio Control

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Radio Control Rules- General

1(1) Eligibility - Radio Controlled competitions are open to any club member

(1(2) see below), and any invited guest.

1(2) Junior Members - A junior member is defined as any person under the age of 16 years on the year of competition and will remain a junior until the end of the season. A junior can compete in competition upon reaching the age of 12 years on the date of competition,

1(3) Authority of officers - The Radio Control Section Leader / his or her representative may order a model to be stopped if it is considered unsafe, and such model will not be allowed to continue, unless alterations are made as in the opinion of the officials will render it safe.

1(4) Starting and Running - A model shall be deemed to have started the course as from the moment the bow of the craft crosses the start line indicated by the starting gate markers.

1(5) Boats eligible for competition - The term 'model' shall refer to craft capable on travelling in or on the water and driven by a self-contained motive power such as an electric motor, steam engine or internal combustion engine, all essential parts and accessories of which including fuel and oil but not necessarily water are carried on the craft itself. Propulsion of the craft must be by mechanical means acting on the water through the medium of a completely submerged screw propeller, paddle wheel or similar mechanical reactor. (e.g. Water jet)

1(6) Noise Level - All power driven models shall be fitted with efficient silencers. The noise generated by the craft at full operational power shall be measured in the proper manner with an approved noise meter. The noise level shall not exceed 80db for all type of craft. Any craft exceeding the limit will not be allowed to compete in the competition.

1(7) RC Frequencies - There are only four bands available for model boat use:- 27 Mhz; 40 Mhz; UHF band (459 Mhz) and 2.4 GHz, no other frequencies will be allowed. On no account may 35 Mhz be used. This band is reserved solely for use of aero modellers and it's use for surface craft is illegal, no model operating on this frequency will be allowed to take part in any club activity.

1(8) Boiler Testing - All boilers and pressure vessels in craft used at a regatta under Heaton & District Model Power Boat Club rules shall hold a current test certificate Boilers and pressure vessels shall be tested in accordance with recommended minimum requirements as shall from time to time be enacted by the clubs test committee.

1(9) Etiquette - Once the competition starts only one model may be on the course at any one time, other competitors must not practice or test their models on or near the course. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

Radio Control Rules- Competitions

2(1) Course and Markers - The course will be a mixture of obstacles and various types of gates, the distance between the buoys should be 1 metre. The number of obstacles and gates to be decided of the day of competition, a diagram showing the course and order of gates will be published prior to the start of the competition. Each course could include the following compulsory hazards:- bow/stern touch; push-apart buoys; sailing astern.

2(2) Scoring - The model must be steered around the course without touching any markers(buoys). The model must complete the gates in the correct order as defined on the course diagram. The route between gates is up to the competitor however is must not consist of excessive manoeuvring. If the bow of the model (or stern if reversing) passes the start of the gate, this will constitute an attempt and the model must complete the gate and accrue any penalties points. Only one attempt can be made at each gate or obstacle. A time limit may be applied to the course depending on the number competitors taking part.

Course Penalties are as follows:- a) Striking/touching an obstacle, marker buoy (other than bow/stern touch) – 1 point b) Failing to negotiate an obstacle or gate in the prescribed manner. (a miss, failed attempt, wrong direction or out of order – 5 points c) Not completing a docking or reversing manoeuvre – 5 points During a bow/stern touch manoeuvre, the bow/stern must actually touch the obstacle d) Failure to complete the course will result in elimination from that competition. The craft with the least number of penalty points will be the winner of the competition. In the case of a tie a run off will take place. The winner will receive 3pts; second 2pts; third 1pt towards the club championship.

2(3) Classes of Models eligible - Competitions are open to all class of radio controlled models. For the purpose of club competitions models are divided into two categories:-

a) Class One - Models up to 600mm (23 5/8 inches) in length.

b) Class Two - Models over 600mm (23 5/8 inches) in length

c) Class Three - Models over 900mm (35 3/8 inches) in length

The same model may be run by more than one person in the same event, at the discretion of the Radio Control Section Leader of their representative, providing the model is removed from the water between runs Models must not have any enhancements to its propulsion or steering systems, these include Kort nozzles, bow thrusters, individually controlled multi / twin propellers or steerable propulsion units. If a model has any of these enhancements five penalty points will be added for each one fitted. This in the interest of fairness is to ensure each model / competitor has a similar chance to succeed.

2(4) Club Champion - The Club Champion in each class will be the competitor with the highest accrued number of points from his or her best 7 (seven) scoring competitions. If more than one competitor in their class has the same number of points, the winner will decided by a run-off in the final competition of the year.