Due to pressure from various sources the club has found that it has had to provide a number of risk assessments for a number of everyday activities:
Entering the water:
This risk assessment is to be used by competitors during any and all club sailing competitions held on Paddy Freemans lake.
The assessment is to be used in conjuction with the rules and regulations applicable to that particular competition. Every competitior has a duty of care to the environment, to the public and to fellow competitors whilst taking part in the event. You are therefore advised to download and carefully read the risk assessment.
Click here for a PDF version of the Entering Water Risk Assessment
Adding the food safe blue dye (weed reduction)
This method statement and risk assessment is to be used when adding the blue dye to the lake
Click here for a PDF version the Blue dye Method statement & Risk Assessment
This risk assessment is to be used when you are carrying out any painting on or around the boathouse. You are therefore advised to download and carefully read the risk assessment.
Click here for a PDF version of the painting Risk Assessment
Click here for a PDF version of Johnstones paints safety data sheet
This risk assessment is to be used during the COVID-19 epidemic to comply with government legislation. You are therefore advised to download and carefully read the risk assessment.
Click here for a PDF version of the COVID-19 Risk Assessment
General Lake Maintenance:
This risk assessment is to be used when you are carrying general maintenance in either the lake or aroundthe banksides. You are therefore advised to download and carefully read the risk assessment.
Click here for a PDF version of the General Maintenace Risk Assessment