The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........

  Green Flag

  Green Flag


News - 2007

If you are a visitor or user of Paddy Freemans park, or perhaps a local resident then you should consider supporting the Friends of Paddy Freeman Park and Castle farm Playing Field, (generally shortened to the Park User Group). The group meets on a Tuesday night at 7pm typically every 2 months, the meeting location varies between the Bowls Pavillion, (in the winter), the David Lloyd Centre (in the summer), and occasionally Milfield House in the Dene. The meetings are attended by a good mixture of local residents, dog walkers, representatives of the Bowls club, the the Model Boat Club, the Cafe management, City Councilors, council representatives of the Parks and Leisure dept and park employees. The group is open to anyone and gives you the chance to have your say and help shape the future of park and lake. The group works very closely with the City Council who are currently obtaining a Heritage Lottery grant to improve Jesmond Dene, and parts of Heaton park and Paddy Freemans. In addition, working with the City Council, the group puts on a number of popular events in the Park, including the Dog show, the Xmas carol concert, and live performances during the school summer holidays, brass bands, jugglers, childrens entertainers etc.

During 2006 the Park entered the Green Flag competition and was sucessful. This has been repeated during 2007 with the Park scoring very highly. The Council is committed to further improvements in the park to maintain this standard. New litter bins, signposts, notice boards, improved flower beds, trimming of the shrubbery, and some new play equipment are all signs that the Park is on the up!

The council intend to install public information boards around the lake which will detail some of the flora and fauna of the park. Click here for a larger picture.

Over the weekend of the 7th and 8th of July 2007 the club held regattas to raise funds for the RNLI. The amazing sum of 461.60 pounds was collected and we are gratefull for the support of the general public without whom it would not have been possible. Apart from the regatta there was a tombola and the club had the loan of an inshore inflatable lifeboat which was on display.