The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........
News - 2009


January 2009 - the City Council started work on tree pruning and felling as part of the works associated with the Heritage Lottery grant for Jesmond Dene.

May 2009 - the club put on a show at Roker Park in Sunderland for the 7th successive year. The state of the lake was causing concern by May and this has continued all year. The ancient overflow drain appeared to be blocked by the roots of trees and the lake was silting up with the accumulation of several years worth of fallen leaves. In addition weed was once again appearing in the lake.

June 2009 - the club held the annual Tyne and Wear 2 day regatta over the weekend of the 6th and 7th of June in conjunction with the South Shields model boat club. The event was well attended and proved to be very successful.


July 2009 - club members put on a display at the Tynemouth lifeboat station open day. It was a good event and enjoyed by all.


August 2009 - the club held its annual charity regatta on the 15th and 16th of August to raise funds for the RNLI. The event raised the sum of £244.93 with our thanks for the publics generosity.

October 2009 - After many discussions between the Council and the Friends of Paddy Freeman's Group on the subject of cleaning out the lake it was agreed that the lake be drained. How to drain the lake has become a secret only known to the boat club members as the Council staff have not passed on the information over the last 100 years as employees have come and gone. In fact all knowledge about the lake within the council seems to have been lost. After a struggle the old drain valve finally agreed to move and the draining process began. This showed up the problems with the drains but none the less the lake level fell. Once drained the full enormity of the task became obvious, and the council, who had little cash spare for such a task were only able to scratch the surface. Hopefully the process can be repeated in 2010 with the correct funding in place to do the job properly.


See the Gallery for pictures of the lake whilst drained.


December 2009 - With only days to go to the clubs centenary year, we look forward to the next 100 years. Little did that small band of enthusiasts know what they were starting by the edge of the lake in 1910.