The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........
News - 2022


With the easing of COVID restrictions we hoped that normal activities would be resumed in 2022. This has proved to be the case though we did lose various members to COVID at times.

As usual we started the year with lake cleaning. Storm "Arwen" had left us a huge legacy of rubbish in the lake. Also the "Urban Green Newcastle " clean up crew had temporarily left a few logs around the park while clearing up after "Arwen" and these found their way into the lake at speed.

The bottom corner was as usual full. Many of the logs had to be sawn up to fit in the skip.

It's hard work but without it the lake would be unusable. It's now so shallow that any dry spell causes the lake to become too shallow for the "Straight Runners" to sail, in fact in 2022 this happened in July when the water level dropped several inches resulting in the "straight runners" scraping the bottom and collecting "Poo bags" on the proellers, why do some dog owners think it is good practice to toss their bags into the lake ?

This year saw the inaugural running of the Albert Foxton Trophy, a radio control event which proved to be a very popular competition. It will in future be an annual event.

Our annual charity regatta held in August along with the money collected in the RNLI collecting drum (which we have all year round) raised £400, an excellent result.

We enjoyed 3 visits to our friends at the South Shields Model Boat Club during the year, the 2 Day Regatta, the Norht East Stright Running Championship and finally their Invitiation event in early September. As usual we enjoyed a warm welcome and some fantastic competitions. The visits to the Marime Park are one of the highlights of the sailing year.