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Rules - Club 500...


Click here to download a PDF version of the Club 500 Rules

The following rules were ratified at the NECA committee meeting in January 2014 and are to be applied at all Club 500 regattas held by any clubs who are current members of the “North East Coast Association”.

All boats must conform to the Official Club 500 specifications as listed in the Model Slipway kit documentation supplied with the kits

In addition the following specific rules apply:

1. Batteries: Must consist of no more than 6 cells giving 7.2 volts nominal. Capacity is unlimited. All batteries must be NiCD or NiMH, NO Li-on batteries permitted.

2. Batteries that are unmarked, (whether commercial packs or home made packs), must have a signed label to state that the battery has been checked by a club appointed person.

3. If a battery is unmarked or unlabeled it will be unable to be used in club 500 races on that day.

4. Club 500 motors will also be checked on the day by an appointed person. The motor average RPM must be in the range of 1300 to 1800 RPM.

5. Each heat will be held as a 4 minute race with a points system scored as follows: 1 st -10 points, 2 nd – 8 points, 3 rd – 6 points.

6. There will be a 5 minute call, followed by a 1 minute call before each heat. All boats racing in the heat must be on the water within that minute, no late arrivals will be allowed after the minute is up.

7. There will be a 10 second call at which point all drivers will step back from their boats onto the top step of the bank side. The heat starts on the timekeepers call.

8. At the end of 4 minutes the timekeeper will shout finish, at which point the drivers complete the lap they are on and return to the start point.. Points will be scored as detailed previously.

9. If a boat stops on the water for any reason then the driver must shout “Dead boat in the water”, and say where it is positioned, ie “top right”.

10. The race will still continue unless a boat is in danger of sinking. Should this occur the time keeper will shout stop, and drivers must stop in the position that they are in. Failing to do so will lead to disqualification.

11. Races start from the bank up to the top right pole, (as per club 500 rules), and NOT bottom right as used by some clubs.

12. Two additional poles will be set out, one at either end of the course outside of the normal “M” shaped course. This is for drivers who miss a pole. If you miss a pole you must go around the next additional pole instead of turning back and risking a head on crash with the next boats.

13. Ideally Club 500 racing should be a none-contact sport. However it is likely and to be expected that boats will accidentally make contact during close racing. A club official will be marking and checking drivers for any dangerous or aggressive sailing. Deliberate contact may lead to disqualification. The Officials decision is final.

14. If a driver is being lapped by the leaders then he/she is expected to give way. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification. Again the officials decision is final.