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  Green Flag


  Steam Launch
News - 2006

August - Paddy Freemans Park has been awarded the prestigous "Green Flag" award after several years of trying. This is a national scheme to promote parks and green spaces. To win the award the park must convince the judges that it meets the criteria, no easy task. Apart from getting a flag to fly, the practical benefits are that the Council has already put significant effort into raising standards in the park and now that they have been awarded the flag they will not want to loose it, so ongoing maintenance is secured. Paddy's joins a number of other local parks and open spaces who have already been awarded the Green flag. (Leazes Park, Rising Sun Countryside Park, Nunsmoor, and Gosforth Central Park).

July - On the weekend of the 1st and 2nd July the club held its annual regatta to raise funds for the RNLI. The total money raised was the magnificent sum of £368.30

February - Here's what can happen when you don't pay attention to the scale on your plans before building your boat. For more pictures of this magnificent steam launch - see the gallery.