The 2025 Finalised Regatta programme is now available for viewing and download.........
Rules - Two Day Regatta

Click here to download a PDF version of the 2 Day Regatta Rules


Heaton and District Model Power Boat Club.
South Shields Model Boat Club.
Tynemouth Model Boat Club.

Traditionally the first weekend in the month of June.

On Saturday, Registration by 9.30am, 10 am start at Heaton, (Paddy Freemans Park).

(1) Straight running competition and combined Nomination Event consisting of a trial and three scoring runs. There is a separate Wedge class.

(2) If time allows, a Knockout competition for straight runners will be held, (the flag width to be decided on the day). In the event of a tie a run off will be held.


(1) "Tyne Tees Television Trophy" for the winning Functional straight runner,

(2) “Heaton Wedge Trophy” for the wining Wedge straight runner.

(3) The “Halligan Trophy” for the best nomination result by an MPBA affiliated competitor.

(4) The “Frank Wright Trophy” for the highest score in the Straight running competition by an MPBA affiliated competitor.


Sunday, Registration by 9.30am, 10 am start at South Shields, (Marine Park).

(1) A Straight running competition consisting of a trial and 3 scoring runs. (Note that a separate wedge class will be included in this event.)

(2) If time allows, a Knockout competition for straight runners will be held. (the flag width to be decided on the day). In the event of a tie a run off will be held.


(1) “Tom Clement Memorial Trophy” for the winning Functional straight runner,

(2) “Tony Willet Friendship Trophy” for the highest scoring straight runner in any class by an MPBA affiliated competitor.


£1.50 per boat per competitor, plus £1.00 for each additional boat entered in the same competition by the same competitor. MPBA full members who can provide a valid membership card get free entry for their first boat only.


(a) Straight Running : No more than two persons are permitted to sail the same boat in the same competition, providing that the boat is removed from the lake between each set of runs and that the time delay between each set of runs be determined by the officer of the day.

(b) In Straight Running competitions, if 2 persons are to sail the same boat then they must both enter before the declared starting time of the competition.

(c) The Officer of the day’s decision is final.

(d) No single entry for any of the competitions will be accepted after 1pm on the day of the regatta. (Note: rule “c” above applies to where there are two entrants).

(e) Persons sailing Steam powered boats must be in possession of a valid boiler test certificate.

(f) No prizes will be given unless a minimum of 4 boats have sailed in the competition. This rule includes sub groups within a competition, e.g. juniors.


It is not a requirement that competitors be affiliated to the M.P.B.A. but all competitors must be covered by suitable 3rd party insurance.



S.R. 1st, 2nd, 3rd

WEDGE CLASS 1st, 2nd, 3rd

KNOCKOUT and NOMINATION prizes to the value of a 3rd prize.


S.R. 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Wedge 1st, 2nd, 3rd

S.R. KNOCKOUT, a 1st prize to the value of a 3rd prize.

Current nominal value of prizes are as follows :- 1st £6.00, 2nd £5.00, 3rd £4.00

This means the total prize fund is currently valued at a total of £68.00


(This version dated 3rd February 2016)